Top Questions

Who do you like more? Batman or Superman? Why?


Can I embed videos inside a question or answer?

Does Quosera have all the features of Quora?


Could humans and dinosaurs co-exist?

tony tacos
I am a scientist.

Yes. Everything is possible.

Is this script seo friendly and can answers be picked up through search engine?

What is Quosera?

Quosera is a questions and answers platform inspired from Quora where people can ask and answers questions. 

Using Quosera, you can easily create your own Q&A community for any purpose. It also ideal for educational and research institutes as they can setup private discussion/Q&A forums with support for TeX and MathML.

Please refer to FAQ if you have any further questions or simply ask a question on the demo site.

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How can you lift an Elephant with just one hand?

By using your imagination. 

What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?



What if Ned Stark was still alive?

Is this website real?


Is it legal to use this kind of clone script? Quaora may sue us?

There are no copyright issues. There are thousands of forum sites, hundreds of e-commerce sites and dozens of Q&A sites like Quora. 

Do author of question get notification when it is answered

Is Quosera considering to become Open-Source and become another Wordpress?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

Not really! Wordpress is a great CMS and Quosera can't compete with it due to the very reason that Wordpress is a versatile content management system with thousands of plugins whereas Quosera is built for a specific purpose, i.e. for developing QA communities like Quora.

Does god really exist?

Actually no human being can answer this question with full proof that he exist or not , some people chose to belive that God exist because this give them a reason to live .

What's the difference that makes a difference ?


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We will find someone to answer and will notify you about new answers. Meanwhile you can invite people to answer this question.

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We will find someone to answer and will notify you about new answers. Meanwhile you can invite people to answer this question.

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We will find someone to answer and will notify you about new answers. Meanwhile you can invite people to answer this question.

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We will find someone to answer and will notify you about new answers. Meanwhile you can invite people to answer this question.

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We will find someone to answer and will notify you about new answers. Meanwhile you can invite people to answer this question.

 Ask to Answer


Does Quosera give separate link to answers?

Yes, it does. As an example, here is the separate link to this answer itself -

Who will win the world Cup cricket?

When will windows 11 come out?

Can I select a best answer?

Let's see it appears not