
Topic Questions

What is Quosera?

Quosera is a questions and answers platform inspired from Quora where people can ask and answers questions. 

Using Quosera, you can easily create your own Q&A community for any purpose. It also ideal for educational and research institutes as they can setup private discussion/Q&A forums with support for TeX and MathML.

Please refer to FAQ if you have any further questions or simply ask a question on the demo site.

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Written May 31, 2016

Why I can't find anyone to send a message?

The user should follow you before you can send a message to that user.

  • Rich
  • Text
  • Editor


Written Jun 20, 2016

Why is the price of this script too high?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!


Written Aug 05, 2016

Are all questions anonymous?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

No. They aren't. Anyone asking a question can specifiy using a chckbox whether they want to ask it anonymoously or not.

Written Oct 18, 2016

Are anonymous questions shown differently?

Jona Than
This is a slogan


Written Oct 23, 2016

It doesnt work to change password in this script

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

We have disabled changing password in the demo to ensure login using demo access details doesn't fail. If we allow changing password in demo and a user chnages the password, othere won't be able to try the demo unless they create their own account.

Written Jan 18, 2017

What kind of templates are available



Written Feb 17, 2017

How many people use Quosera?

So many I can't keep track.

Written Jun 22, 2016

How would someone push information into other services off this framework?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

Quosera is developed on top of Yii2 framework which lets you expose the data via REST API easily. To know more about Yii2 framework, visit http://www.yiiframework.com/

Written Jan 18, 2017

Which features from Quora would you like to see in Quosera?

  1. The ability to place ads where i want them.
  2. Every answer should display its own number of views, like Quora.
  3. Feature to see the list of those who have upvoted a particular answer.
  4. The separate link to every answer that is given to a question, as is done in Quora. The link can be shown just before the profile name of the person given reply, in the date and time of the answer.

Written Jul 03, 2017

How does verified profile works?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

Admin can set any profile to verified status by editing their profile. Simple!

Having said that, admin should verify (offline) that the user is who he/she claims to be before making the profile verified.

Written Jan 23, 2017

Why can't I request answer from other users, on all of the questions?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

There is no "Request Answer" option but there is "Ask the Answer" option available which is always accessible on question's page once you click on gear icon on the right.

Written Jan 31, 2017

whats the criteria for the section "top stories for you"?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

As the feed name suggests, top stories feed shows the questions with most answers to the user. And it removes the questions from the feed which have been passed by the user. 

Written Feb 20, 2017

Are Email alerts sent to users?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

Yes, email alerts are sent to appropriate users. As example, below are few such cases though there are more scenarios in which emails are sent.

  • When a user is asked to answer a question
  • When a user received a message
  • When a user is followed by anyone
  • Comment is made on a question user is following

Written Feb 20, 2017

Do you provide customisation services?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

Yes, we do. Please send us an email with the customization details.

Written Mar 21, 2017

How do I ask questions?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

To ask a question, click on the green button on top-right of your browser window.


Provide your question title and details (optional) and click on Ask button. Simple, isn't it?

Written Mar 21, 2017

Can I ask a question to a specific user?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

A question is always public but you can ask a specific user to answer a question by using "Ask to Answer" option which is available in question toolbar (gear icon) below question text.

Written Mar 27, 2017

Quosera opensource?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

Yes. Quora's Enerprise version is 100% open source.

Written May 27, 2017

where is the categories?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

There are no categories, only topics. Topics are essentially like tags and the functionality is same as in Quora.

Written Jun 18, 2017


Let's put a description right here.