Top Questions

Who do you like more? Batman or Superman? Why?

Can I embed videos inside a question or answer?

Does Quosera have all the features of Quora?


\(x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}\)

Could humans and dinosaurs co-exist?

Is this script seo friendly and can answers be picked up through search engine?

Super Admin
I can help your website rank #1 in Google!

Yes. Here is the proof.

  1. Visit
  2. In search bar, type This will return a list of pages indexed by Google from Quosera demo website.
  3. Currently there are around 300+ pages indexed on Google from demo website which include topics, questions and user profiles.

What is Quosera?

Jona Than
This is a slogan

This is the best Quora Clone Script out there! :D I am in love.

How can you lift an Elephant with just one hand?

Here are couple of options.

  1. Use trick photography
  2. Use a toy elephant

What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

What if Ned Stark was still alive?

Eddard Stark
Ned Stark of House Stark

I wish I was still alive but GRRM killed me. I hate him for that and will hate him till eternity.

But if I was alive, I don't know what I would have done as my memory don't serve me well these days in afterlife. Can someone help me with what I should have done or whom I should have killed if I had been alive?

Is this website real?


Is it legal to use this kind of clone script? Quaora may sue us?

How can Quora sue us? 

This script is inspired by Quora and Quora have copyright only not inspiration right.

I think no part of software has been copied from Quora. 

Do author of question get notification when it is answered

Is Quosera considering to become Open-Source and become another Wordpress?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

Not really! Wordpress is a great CMS and Quosera can't compete with it due to the very reason that Wordpress is a versatile content management system with thousands of plugins whereas Quosera is built for a specific purpose, i.e. for developing QA communities like Quora.

Does god really exist?

What's the difference that makes a difference ?

Does Quosera give separate link to answers?


Who will win the world Cup cricket?

When will windows 11 come out?

Who cares?

Can I select a best answer?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

It's just upvotes since answers can be subjective here - just like on Quora. Accepting one answer as correct works best for sites which deal with more concrete topics like maths, programming and science.

Having said that, it would be a good option to have marking an answer as correct (optional feature) in case someone wants to use Quosera for suc topics.