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I would like to list out here top 5 skills a good programmer must have :


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1.) Deep Knowledge Of Domain

If the programmer can code in multiple languages, that means he or she has strong knowledge of concept.

2.) Not Afraid to Experiment

An average developer will always have the question,

“If I do this, what will happen?”

and eventually turn to someone for advice. However, a trait of a good developer is that it will try first to solve problem and try whatever deemed possible to debug the issue.

3.) Not attached Emotionally to Elements of Programming

When a programmer is asked to switch to new technology, instead of doubting the critic, the developer will look at the disadvantageous of the old technology and will cherish the bright side of the new technology.

4.) Constantly fix something even when it isn’t broken

Good programmer believe in the saying,

“There is always room for improvement”

and are mentally committed to pursue better.

5.) Can take failure and driven by experience

While experimenting something new or doing something better, you may fall miserably but a good programmer doesn’t get discouraged and strives to solve it.

I think these are skills which are advisable for any carrier and also can help in your life personally.

Thanks :)

Written Apr 11, 2019

I still don't get this logic about hating a language. Languages are nothing but tools to get a thing done. Use the right language for the right job.

Just because you don't get a language does not make it bad. Somehow it seems fashionable to hate PHP and VB. 

If we take VB as an example. Before it became, it motivated many people to start programming for windows. It was simple to get started, you designed the GUI with a point and click interface. There were no other tools like that which enabled you to program that easily. It was not really the language but the IDE that made it that simple to get started. Since the IDE and language were tied down together it just made more people to get started with VB.

I won't say that the GUI's designed using VB were pretty. But it helped non-programmers to write a "Hello World" program without doing too much. It motived them enough to get started. Can't say they same about most languages even today.

To get started with a new language or a tool it normally boils down to how soon can you get productive and see results. And when you are learning a new language the last thing you want to see are warnings and errors in your "Hello World" program.

It really does not matter which language you use. As long as you concepts are clear moving from one language to another should not be that difficult.

Written Mar 04, 2019

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Last Asked 5 years ago