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why is the supreme court overrule the parliament?

Devendra Kashmiri (Roll number-370) was a weak student, in fact the weakest in the class. He belonged to an affluent family but the family members were almost always at war with each other. He inherited hatred and turned vitriolic over a period of time. He loathed his classmates. He suffered from huge inferiority complex and kept sulking in a corner. Any friendly advances by his classmates were rejected by him. His performance in the class was deteriorating rapidly. From being a shy, reclusive and weak student he was gradually turning into an absolutely inaccessible being.

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I'm checking this is a good demo or not

How to get Permission letter from IRCC?

You need to contact IRCC by email and provide all the docs.  If it is approved IRCC will issue a letter and facilitate a ticket purchase to a plane. 

How do i go to School?

you can go to school, but they may not let you in.

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what is the meaning of WHAT

That's easy. Meaning of WHAT is WHAT :D

Uma pergunta de teste?


  • hfhfhf hf hfhfhf

How do you edit topics

jhj\(x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}\)


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What is the main competitor to Quosera?




how come

What is the best investment advice you have ever been given?

Well, that was a great answer .. ahem, I mean question ;-)

hello its a test

And testing makes fun 






Please help us understand if we could have done anything differently to make you more interested in the product?

What effect will a hard check have on my credit score?

Seems I can answer my own question. Amazeballs.