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Where can I find best restaurant in Mumbai?

Zeki Müren de bizi görebilecek mi?

Is Quosera considering to become Open-Source and become another Wordpress?

yes. and actually its a good idea.


I don't know I don't care.

Can Quosera support 3rd party plugins for more functionality?

Super Admin
I know everything there is to know about it!

As of now, Quosera does not support third party plugin but we would like to hear how you would like Quosera to be integrated with third party apps.

Is Quosera support ads or premium users with additional addon?

Yes, you can add advertisements (Adsense or any other ads) in Quosera easily by pasting the code at required place, e.g. sidebar, above/below question or anywhere else you like. This can be done in all version of Quosera including Standard version.




Because they want to



Is this a test question?



Great topic, although I don't agree with you.

Youtube embed

How to add category?

Since you have already added a topic (category) to this question, we assume you found out to do that. 

Adding a category, called topic in terms of Quora/Quosera, can be added by clicking the edit icon on top of question title and you can add as many topics (categories) as you like.

test 3

test 2



Is Quosera compatible with Google MDL (Material Design Lite) instead of Bootstrap?


Not really

Why are Donald Trump supporters so loyal?

dont know, because he is not wishy-washy.